
Magoproduction at the Mostra de Cinema Colòmbia-Brasil

The Mostra de Cinema Colombia-Brasil included within the Jornades de Sensibilització 8ª DIASPORA - "Sense fronteres", will be held from 7 to 23 October in Barcelona and it has excellent productions of Magoproduction. The aim of the initiative is to conduct an awareness-raising, through visual arts and new technologies in relation to peaceful coexistence, solidarity and care of our home: the Earth. In the section "Animation from here and there" are two episodes of the famous Dr.W directed by Muyi Neira and, under the slogan of Tots per Tots, the documentary of Florencia P. Marano has been selected, the name of the film is Salah Azzaz, it is the journey through the life of an Algerian in Barcelona. Two different projects that are part of a cycle very eclectic.

CCCB Aula 1
16th October - 13hs - Dr.W
22th October -
19hs - Salah Azzaz (MID selection in collaboration with the International Documentary of Colombia)

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