In Argentina, the International Animation Festival "Expotoons 2009" has shortlisted Dr.W as part of it´s Official Competition. Our 3D animated series will compete with other 23 projects - three of them from Spain - within the category of Television Series.
In it´s third edition, this event which will take place from 25 to 28 of November at the Sheraton Libertador Hotel in Buenos Aires, will be showcasing more than a hundred of works from around the world, selected within the four categories this animation festival includes: Best Feature, Best Shortfilm, Best Television Series and Best Advertising.
Another good news for the Mago Production team working on the development of this fabulous project.
Go Doctor go!
In it´s third edition, this event which will take place from 25 to 28 of November at the Sheraton Libertador Hotel in Buenos Aires, will be showcasing more than a hundred of works from around the world, selected within the four categories this animation festival includes: Best Feature, Best Shortfilm, Best Television Series and Best Advertising.
Another good news for the Mago Production team working on the development of this fabulous project.
Go Doctor go!
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