

The documentary film Salah Azzaz directed by Florence P. Marano has been choosen to be part of the documentary exhibition of the 8th edition of the Diaspora, an event organized by the TV program Totsx Tots from Radio Com. The event will take place in October at the Jaume Fuster Library in the Plaza Lesseps in Barcelona. It will bring together a selection of documentary films that have won in national and international  festivals.

About the documentary: 
Salah was born and raised in Algeria, where he was a shepherd. One day he was forced to join army. His complicated situation brought him to Spain, escaping from his country as a political refugee. It’s being six years since Salah lives in Barcelona. The first months he was received in a place where he met social workers where he got involved in their activities. Some years later he became social worker himself. Now things have calmed down in Algeria and Salah is thinking how it would be to go back But the fact that he has built his own life in Barcelona keeps him away from the idea to return to his country. At the end of the day he has often the feeling that he belongs to more than one place and at the same time to no place at all.

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